Anonymous- 27

Anonymous- 27

Hi, so this is going to be hard to get through. So it all started when I was 12 yrs old. I had a crush on an 16 yr old boy in the neighborhood. We all used to hangout together. We dated for about 6 months and I ended things once I felt uncomfortable. He was a mean person is why I didn't want to date him anymore, he was very mean to my friends and I if we didn't do what he wanted. Of if we didn't play the games he wanted to play.. He reach out again when I was 13 and said he wanted me back. I used to spend time with his sister so I went to visit her and he was there. He told me to come into his room so we could talk things out my intuition told me no and I didn't listen. I went into his room and he started to try and make me want him. He was kissing me and the he pushed me on his bed. Mind you I was staying with his sister that was my age so I couldn't go home. My mom was a single mom who worked 3rd shift I had no one else to call. My family and his very friends, they trusted him. He showed me his knife in his bedside table and told me if I screamed of told anyone he promised that he would get his payback and it would be him hurting me bad. He then forced himself on me and told me that it was my fault he was doing this because I am the one who broke his heart. After he was done he pushed my body off his bed and told me to get out. I frantically put my clothes back on and sat in his bathroom all night and cried. There was alot of blood... I knew somthing had to have been wrong. Then I called my mom to come get the next morning. A few months went buy and I never got my period...already had a period so I knew how this all worked, I was an early bloomer. But I didn't have one that time.. I had my first MC at 13 yrs old.

I am so sorry. I know our stories are different, and I wish you didn't have to go through this. I pray for healing and strength that comes from this horrible situation. If you'd like someone to talk to. If you can respond back to my story, I'll talk to you. Im here to listen. It doesn't get easier but it won't always hurt as bad. Its like luggage. You will carry it with you always, but some days it won't be as heavy as others. You are not your assault, and this was not your fault. You're not alone. You matter.

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